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48 Thank You Teacher Messages

greetings card inspiration Published Jun 13, 2024

How can I say thank you to a teacher? We hear you, and we've got you covered. 

They've looked after your little one all year, made learning fun and gone above and beyond, so here's how you say thank you to a teacher.

You can start with a gorgeous card, add a thoughtful, heartfelt thank you message and maybe throw in a teacher gift. 

Knowing what to write in a thank you teacher card can be tricky, so we've gathered some of our favourite thank you teacher messages, quotes and sayings to get you started. Keep reading all the way to the end to find out top tips for making your message meaningful.

And if you need a unique thank you teacher card, check out our range here. 


Short Thank You Messages For Teachers

Of all the teachers in the world, I’m glad that you were mine!

Thank you for believing in me

Thank you for making a difference every day

Thank you for all you do

Thank you for going above and beyond for me this year

You’re one of a kind! I’ll miss you next year

Thanks for helping me grow

You’re a truly fantastic teacher

You’re the teacher everyone wishes they had

Best.Teacher. Ever!

I am so happy you were my teacher this year!

Thank you for a truly memorable year

A Thank You card for a teacher, showing an apple . Cream cards with pale blue background. Personalise with teacher's name.

Sweet Messages for Teachers

It takes a big heart to help shape little minds

Thanks for inspiring me every day and helping me become the best version of myself. Your guidance means the world to me

Thank you for being such a great teacher. I really loved how you... (insert something you liked about their teaching style, or a story about a favourite lesson, etc)

I just wanted to let you know what a great teacher you are and I have loved being in your class

Sometimes amazing people forget how amazing they are. You are an amazing teacher.

A laser cut thank you card that reads "Thank you so very much" with stars around the text

Funny Thank You Teacher messages

They say patience is a virtue, and you must be a saint for putting up with me

I hope you like this card… that my mum bought.

I'm pretty sure you deserve a medal for surviving a whole year with me in your class 

I owe you a debt of gratitude for making me realise that school can actually be fun. Who knew?

Sorry for being the noisiest one in the class. Thanks for your patience!

Let’s just hope you don’t have to teach my little brother/sister in a few years, he’s/she's much worse than me!

We both know I’m your favourite student… don’t worry, I won’t tell the others

I am sorry for being the reason you drank so much coffee this year!

Thank You Teacher Quotes

“Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers.” —Josef Albers

“A good teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary.” —Thomas Carruthers

"The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.” – Henry Brooks Adams

"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace." —Confucius

"The best teachers are those who show you where to look but don't tell you what to see." —Alexandra K. Trenfor

"Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch." —Judy Blume

"The great teacher is not the man who supplies the most facts, but the one in whose presence we become different people." —Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Most of us end up with five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.” – Andy Rooney

Personalised papercut thank you card. Cut from cream card with a peacock blue insert paper. Shows the words Thank You surrounded with flowers and a banner to personalise with a name.


Thank You Teacher Messages From Parents

Thank you for understanding how to encourage my child

Thank you for the extra efforts you put to help my kids become better human beings. I will forever be grateful for your wonderful service

Thank you for being an excellent teacher. Your patience and dedication really helped (child's name) succeed.

Thanks so much for your valuable time, patience, and consistency to teach in an interactive and fun way to my child

Thank you for everything that you’ve done for our child, we really appreciate it

Thank you for being so patient with our child, even when she was not very cooperative. Your guidance has helped her grow in so many ways

You've made a lasting impact on my child's life, thank you

Parents might be accountants, doctors, engineers or scientists – yet nothing contributes to the world’s development more than the sacrifices made by you teachers. Thank you.

You have helped (child's name) more than you know. Thank you. 

 Beautiful papercut card showing a heart, flowers and butterflies. With "Kindness is everything" on banners above and below the heart. Cream card and orange background.

Thank You Messages for Teaching Assistants

While many of the above teacher thank you message ideas can easily be adapted for a teaching assistant, we've got some TA thank you message ideas here too: 

Thank you for your support, time and dedication. (Child's name) loved his/her time with you as his/her teaching assistant this year. 

Thank you for being an awesome TA! We were so lucky to have you in our class this year!

TA stands for Totally Awesome!

Every classroom needs a teaching assistant like you.

Thank you for always brightening my day. You are my favourite teaching assistant.

A laser cut celebration card for wonderful people.

Making Your Message More Meaningful

Here are our top tips-

1- Make it personal. Use their name, include your child's name. Write informally, as if you were talking to them- it doesn't need to be rigid and formal. 

2- Get specific- did they do something particularly brilliant this year? Did their delivery of the 8 times table blow your child's mind?! Did their kindness when your child was going through hard times make the world of difference? Adding more specific details will help your card to stand out against the sea of generic "Thanks for being my teacher" messages.

3- If your child is willing, get them to write the message (with your help, of course!) or, get them to draw a picture or sign their own name. Extra cute points, right there!  

 child writing a thank you card


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