I'm the sort of girl who, when put on the spot, can't give a good, clear elevator pitch (that's where you tell someone what you do in about 30 seconds).
If you ask me what I do, I'll most likely reply with "oh, err, well, I make greeting cards." What sort of imagery does this conjure up for you? Cutting and sticking handmade greetings cards? Pompoms? Glitter glue? Kitchen-table sort of paper crafting hobbies?

Of course, there's nowt wrong with any of that stuff, it's just not what I do. What I do is way cooler than that.
So, in true Emma fashion, here's my elevator pitch, because saying "I run an independent greetings card company in the UK" isn't quite doing it justice...
I've created special and unique greeting cards for royalty, movie stars, national treasures and world class athletes. I get to use lasers and knives every day. But that's not all I do.
I quite literally turn paper into happy tears.
I help complete strangers to celebrate the remember-forever, life-changing events. I've helped people welcome new family members, propose marriage and say goodbye to loved ones. Things I've made sit in thousands of memory boxes, on mantelpieces and in frames around the world.
If you want a completely unique, unusual or unbelievably pretty greetings card that will be kept forever, I'm your girl.
And if that did it for you, you can see what I do here, or follow us on Instagram here.