By far the biggest thing I've learned this month is that my normal, non-fancy office printer can print on envelopes- woohoo!
In a moment of curiosity, I ventured into the deepest, darkest depths of my printer settings and spotted the magic words "Envelope Printing". Who knew that was a thing?! Not me, that's for sure.
Of course, I immediately rushed to design and print a fun banner, and here is the result.

Being the good Instagrammer that I am, I shared this whole experience in a reel and cautiously put it out there to see if anyone wanted the artwork. I say cautiously because I need to clarify one thing- I am happy to provide the artwork, but please, pleeeeeassseeeee do not ask me how your printer works! I can almost completely guarantee that I cannot help you with this. Banners- yes. Printer troubleshooting- no.
So now that we've got that cleared up, here it the link to the free printable banner design download.