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10 Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude Every Day

Just For Fun Published Sep 20, 2024

21st September is World Gratitude Day. 

Gratitude is one of those things that develops over time. If you start small, bringing little moments of appreciation into your everyday life, it can sort of snowball, and before you know it, things can feel more positive.  

There are so many ways to practice gratitude, and they don't have to be grand gestures. 

Here are a few easy ways to bring tiny moments of gratitude into your day. 


Beautiful papercut card showing a heart, flowers and butterflies. With "Kindness is everything" on banners above and below the heart. Cream card and orange background.

1- Start a gratitude journal. You don't need a fancy journal or diary to do this, a simple notebook is plenty. All you need to do is write down 5-10 things you are grateful for each day. Some examples might include a tasty meal, an interaction with a friend, warm clothes, fluffy socks, sunshine, the town you live in, a particularly beautiful view, a warm shower... the list could go on and on, but you get the idea, basically anything you appreciate. 

2- Random Acts of Kindness- Pay someone a (genuine) compliment and make them smile, pay for a stranger's coffee, hold a door open for someone. 

3- Say "Thank You" more often- This one is obvious! Thank people who help you or provide a service that you appreciate- bus drivers, shop assistants, teachers etc. Did someone cook you a lovely meal? Be sure to thank them. Did your teenage son FINALLY learn to load the washing machine? "Thank you!" 

4- Complain less often- Make a conscious effort to complain less. Complaining is basically the opposite of gratitude. 

5- Send a card to someone - Let them know that they are appreciated by sending a card with a thoughtful message inside. Take a look at this list of 38 ideas for a friendship card for inspiration.

6- Pay it Forward- If you are on the receiving end of a good deed, show your gratitude by paying it forward and do a good deed for someone else. 

7- Help others when you can- Maybe that looks like volunteering or donating to charity.  If life treats you well, share the wealth with those less fortunate. 

8- Share one thing you're grateful for on social media every day- Perhaps create an Instagram or Facebook story with a photograph or short video of a moment that brought you joy that day. Again, this doesn't have to be fancy or beautiful.

9- Give someone a thoughtful gift - Again, this doesn't need to be a grand gesture, just something sweet that says "I saw this and thought of you". 

10- Get outdoors and appreciate nature- I think this is my favourite way to feel a sense of gratitude! Go for a walk on the beach, spend time amongst trees, go stargazing, walk barefoot on grass, find a beautiful view, watch the sunset or go for a sea swim. Whatever works for you so that you can just spend a few moments appreciating nature in all its glory! 

 Personalised papercut thank you card. Cut from cream card with a peacock blue insert paper. Shows the words Thank You surrounded with flowers and a banner to personalise with a name.

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