I shared a reel on Instagram this week. It was a post that I'd had sitting in my drafts for a while because I didn't think it was worth posting (the idea really is THAT simple, I didn't think anyone would be impressed!) But our Instagram went insane as a result! As I type this, it's had over 350K views and it's showing no signs of slowing down yet.
So I thought I'd share it here with a set of instructions. If you want to see the reel, here is the link. This gift wrapping trick really is so easy, and it looks amazing.

All you need is a roll of clear sticky tape, a hole punch and some scraps of coloured paper. Oh, and a gift, wrapped in some sort of paper. I like brown Kraft paper, but you could use anything. Go for plain, non patterned paper for maximum wow-effect.

Step 1- use the hole punch and the coloured paper to create a load of small coloured circles. I like to use a selection of colours that compliment each other nicely. I'll either use all pastels, or all bright colours, or two contrasting colours. You get the idea- create a colour scheme. I've used a fancy single hole punch I picked up online (simply because I liked the blue handle!), but a normal hole punch works perfectly.
Step 2- spread the circles out on a desk, table or worktop -something that the tape wont stick to. Don't put them on a carpet or the tape will pick up fluff, or a sheet of paper because the tape will stick to it.

Step 3- cut your sticky tape to the right length and take one end in each hand, sticky side facing down. Pick up the circles with the sticky side of the tape, leaving some gaps so that the tape can stick to the gift.
Step 4- stick the tape with circles onto the gift. Ta-dah!

If you wanted to get even fancier with this, you could use a crafting punch in a shape, e.g. hearts or flowers. You could also do this with glitter, confetti or tiny petals and leaves. Wider tape works really well as you'll get a bigger strip on your gift.

I've had a few people asking questions like- "How do you thread the circles onto the gift?" or "what glue do you put on the paper before you hole punch it?"
Nope- it's simpler than that. Don't over think it!